Western Star Entertainment Group

Western Star Entertainment Group

i love you.

Following a school shooting perpetrated by their teenage son, a devastated family must grapple with the overwhelming guilt, while navigating media perception and their new place in society.

Time: Present Day

Setting: Smalltown, USA

Co-Writers: Mia Lastrella and Joelle Westwood

Film Poster


The untold, doomed story of the infamous and treacherously beautiful Medusa and the rise of the Greek hero who murders her: Perseus.

Time: ~450 B.C.

Setting: Athens, Greece

Co-Writers: Joelle Westwood and Mia Lastrella

Medusa Film Poster


Logline under wraps.

Time: 1912-1993

Setting: Various

Looking for: Funding/Co-Producers

Doris Film Poster